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Artikel yang ditulis oleh sdri. Ika Amiliya Nurhidayah ini berjudul
Representasi kekerasan seksual terhadap perempuan dalam Film “2037” (studi analisis semiotika Ferdinand de Saussure)
One of the developments in communication technology that occurs today is the presence of various communication channels or ‘media’ in the process of delivering ideas, messages, or ideas. The variety of communication media has become the most effective method today in the formation of a person’s point of view and behavior. In this study, researchers are interested in making one of the three types of communication media, namely audio-visual communication media in the form of films. Film is claimed to be a mass media that has a dominant influence than other media, this is due to the influence of psychology on films which is fundamental in the formation of opinions and people’s psyche. Researchers are interested in examining a film entitled “2037” as a medium of representation of sexual violence against women. This study aims to identify signs or symbols that represent sexual violence against women in the 2037 film using Ferdinand de Saussure’s semiotic theory as his analysis knife. The method applied in this study is qualitative with a data analysis model using semiotic analysis by Ferdinand de Saussure, which is based on signifiers and signified. The results and discussion showed that there were three types of sexual violence against women represented in the film “2037” based on markers and markers that had been found, including forced marriage, verbal abuse, and sexual harassment.